Monday, July 5, 2010

Blog, Blog, Blog

Well, considering that I haven't updated my blog since February and it's now July, I think it's safe to say that my blogging attempts have been proved futile. But I finally have a day off....different from an "off day" (amazing how word order makes such a difference!) I wanted to revisit my blog. It's been so long since I've even visited my blog that:
1. I had to actually type the URL into the address bar, instead of it appearing in my history.
2. I had to log in! (you have to neglect a Google product for quite some time in order for it to log you out)
3. I'm writing an entire blog post on how I haven't posted on my blog.

You get the picture :)

Anyways, today is the day that I finally can tackle some of those projects that have been glaring at me such as mowing the yard, getting the oil changed, edging/weed-eating (I really hate the taste of those weeds but I know it has to be done), emptying two suitcases-worth of clothes, among many other projects.

Over the past 5 weeks, we got a puppy, had Taneea's grandparents and parents visit, had my parents visit, traveled to Thomasville, GA for T to play in the Albany Symphony Orchestra, put on a patriotic concert with our church orchestra, performed for a benefit concert, I traveled to Norman Park, GA with our Pre-Teens for camp, we traveled to TN for my sister's wedding, arriving back in GA at 5:45a Sunday morning before leading the July 4th Sunday service. As they say here in the Deep South (yes, that is a proper noun), we are "wore slap out!"

Well, I'm off to the projects (you didn't know I lived in the projects, did you?). By the time you read this, I'll probably have a mouthful of weeds. Happy July 5th!

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